The Hope in the Storm Campaign
Our heart for everyone who has been impacted by trauma is to understand that healing is possible. It is the way God designed our brain, to protect us from the experience until we have enough resources in place to process it and heal. Left untreated, trauma not only impacts the individual, but leaves collateral damage within the family system and community as well. We want to join with you as we serve others. We know that small acts can make a Big Difference!!! Together we can change lives and facilitate healing on a larger scale.
What began as a single scholarship to give a family from Mexico Beach a week of healing, has become a vision for changing lives. We have provided trauma counseling scholarships and served churches, storm victims, ministry leaders, and other individuals in need through the "Hope in the Storm Campaign." In addition to providing professional counseling and coaching services, our Hope in the Storm Campaign also allows us to serve churches and other organizations, who have been impacted by trauma through speaking, teaching, and training. Connect with us about serving your church.
In our experience, there are a number of obstacles that may prevent individuals from receiving trauma-informed services. Typically, we recommend that these individuals participate in 30 hours of counseling to begin. In some, cases we can completely resolve the trauma, as well as the accompanying symptoms of anxiety and depression that commonly occur and prevent the development of PTSD. That is LIFE CHANGING!!!
We want to remove the obstacles for pastors, ministry leaders, missionaries, counselors, storm victims, and others seeking to heal from adverse experiences. As we seek to make a difference in the lives of those who have experienced trauma, your involvement matters. Together we can make a big difference in our world. We would love to discuss how your business can become a community partner.
We have met extraordinary individuals, who serve and love others, but simply do not have the means to pursue trauma-informed care. What if you could change the life of a pastor, mother, teacher, missionary, or friend? You can! Would you partner with us??
The Light Shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it. John 1:5